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Avoiding tech debt created by ChatGPT

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of web development, I set out to create an innovative application named "Conference Rate". Inspired by the renowned "Rate My Professor", my vision was to build a platform that would serve as a rating system, but for developer and programming conferences. Eager to bring this vision to life, I embarked on the journey of crafting a full-stack web application.

Like most developers, I had my strengths and weaknesses. While I was confident in building the back-end and setting up the database, the mere thought of styling sent shivers down my spine. CSS, with its cascading rules and specificity wars, was never my forte. I wanted to get my application up and running in the shortest time possible, but the idea of wrestling with CSS held me back. That's when I turned to my trusty AI assistant, ChatGPT.

ChatGPT, with its vast knowledge and coding prowess, seemed like the perfect solution. I fed it my requirements and, in no time, it spat out CSS code for me. But as I integrated the generated styles into my application, I realized there was a problem. The CSS was filled with intricate flex boxes, and complex classes that made little sense to me. Every time I tried to tweak a style or add a new feature, I found myself lost in a maze of divs and selectors.

While the AI had helped me save time initially, I soon realized I had traded short-term gains for long-term tech debt. The styling was so intertwined and complicated that any minor change felt like defusing a bomb. It dawned upon me that while AI can be a great tool, it's essential to use it wisely.

Tips for Avoiding Tech Debt with AI Coding Assistants: #

  1. Understand the Output: Always take time to understand the code generated by AI. It might seem efficient to copy and paste, but in the long run, it pays to know what you're integrating into your project.
  2. Set Clear Parameters: When seeking assistance from AI, be specific with your requirements. If you prefer simple grid layouts over flexbox, mention that. The more precise you are, the better the output will align with your expectations.
  3. Regularly Review: Periodically review the codebase. This will help you identify any areas that seem overly complicated and might benefit from a refactor.
  4. Collaborate and Discuss: Use AI as a collaborator rather than a replacement. Discuss your ideas and let the AI suggest solutions, but always have the final say.
  5. Continuous Learning: Take it as an opportunity to learn. If the AI produces a style or method you're unfamiliar with, take a moment to understand it. This not only helps you maintain the code but also broadens your skill set.
  6. Fallback to Basics: If things get too complex, don't hesitate to revert to basic styles and layouts. Remember, functionality and user experience are paramount. Styling can always be enhanced later.

In conclusion, while AI coding assistants like ChatGPT can be incredibly powerful, they're tools, not crutches. It's up to us to use them judiciously, ensuring we don't compromise the maintainability and clarity of our projects.